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Благоустройство дворовых территорий многоквартирных домов

Было предусмотрено благоустройство с элементами для детей и спортивных занятий, включая песчаные площадки с детским оборудованием, спортивные зоны с резиновым покрытием и ограждением, тротуары с плиткой и асфальтом, скамейки, урны, газоны, ограждение вдоль дворового проезда, и освещение с установкой светильников. Также доступно 61 парковочное место

Hub Construction employs over 3 000 employees, the majority of whom are based on project sites. We embrace holistic development and support for employees with the aim of being a first-choice

Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise, Concor delivers world class infrastructure solutions to customers and stakeholders across a broad range of industry sectors.

Hub Construction employs over 3 000 employees, the majority of whom are based on project sites. We embrace holistic development and support for employees with the aim of being a first-choice

Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise, Concor delivers world class infrastructure solutions to customers and stakeholders across a broad range of industry sectors.

Hub Construction employs over 3 000 employees, the majority of whom are based on project sites. We embrace holistic development and support for employees with the aim of being a first-choice

Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise, Concor delivers world class infrastructure solutions to customers and stakeholders across a broad range of industry sectors.


Этажность - 3 этажа
Площадь застройки - 551.92 кв.м.
Общая площадь - 1451,78 кв. м
Строительный объем здания - 5804,58 куб.м

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