жилой дом в Амурске
Проект нацелен на развитие застройки в соответствии с общегородским планом Комсомольска-на-Амуре. В его рамках предусматривается строительство, соответствующее разрешенным видам использования земель, установленным в Правилах землепользования и застройки для различных функциональных зон в пределах данного проекта планировки.
Hub Construction employs over 3 000 employees, the majority of whom are based on project sites. We embrace holistic development and support for employees with the aim of being a first-choice
Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise, Concor delivers world class infrastructure solutions to customers and stakeholders across a broad range of industry sectors.
Hub Construction employs over 3 000 employees, the majority of whom are based on project sites. We embrace holistic development and support for employees with the aim of being a first-choice
Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise, Concor delivers world class infrastructure solutions to customers and stakeholders across a broad range of industry sectors.
Hub Construction employs over 3 000 employees, the majority of whom are based on project sites. We embrace holistic development and support for employees with the aim of being a first-choice
Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise, Concor delivers world class infrastructure solutions to customers and stakeholders across a broad range of industry sectors.